Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Long time no post !

Duh udah berapa bulan gw ga nge-post, banyak ulangan sihh. tinggal nunggu beberapa minggu lagi menanti UAN, gw harus nyoba dengan usaha gw sendiri tanpa bantuan apapun melainkan minta bantuan Allah yang terbaik ngerjain soal-soalnya.

Abis UAN > Ujian SNMPTN deh . Gw harus perbanyak solat tahajud, ngaji, demi mencapai hasil terbaik, tapi ini bukan gara2 kepengen lulus atau dapet ptn doang. Banyak kejadian2 yg bisa gw jadiin pelajaran bwt hidup gw.

udah itu aja post gw haha :D

Jumat, 19 November 2010

Ice Dancing

if i were an ice skater, i would spin round and round, also triple twist would be great !

Selasa, 02 November 2010

Ai Nenden Triana

Come and visit my new social site by clicking the link below here !

Ai Nenden Triana

Selasa, 07 September 2010

What would you do if you had nothing to do ?

Whoaa .. it might be a little weird to hear that question. ok, you may call that question as a junk, but it is .. hahah. i made my own idleness question .. errr

But you gotta think twice or more than twice if you had really really nothing to do in a minute, in an hour, in a day ...... or it could be in a year that is 'nothing-to-do' . LOL xD

What would you be doing tomorrow if you retired today?
Well let’s say you had a blank day starring at you. You didn’t have to work. You could do anything at all. So, what would your perfect day be like?

i don't know exactly what kinda life would that be .. just design your life ,pal ;))

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Flying in the sky

Memories in Jogja

inilah anak-anak XI IPA I foto bareng ama ma'am BRB hahaha kompak banget . jadi kangen jogja deh huhu :')

ini kelompok Membajak lagi di sawah hahaha
we smiled up :)))

gue ama fika di pendopo lagi ngumpul bareng :D

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Red Carpet

created by me